Hi All,

The P & F would like to thank all families for their support in fundraising over 2020. The year was an unusual one, with many restrictions being placed following COVID. Despite this, and with the support of the senior school and teachers, we still managed to hold some of our favourite events for the year. Through the Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, Christmas Stall, Art Fundraiser, Umbrella Fundraiser and Donut Days we managed to raise over $7,500 for the school. This year, the money has gone towards the Giant Games and the new line markings/games around the playground. Thank you again for supporting your school through these events.

Thank you to those new P & F support squad members who nominated to assist the P & F this year along with those who joined us for our meeting on Monday night. We look forward to working with you all in the coming year. If anyone else would still like to volunteer, please let us know: we welcome any time and support you can provide!

We will continue to hold the second-hand uniform sales as the year progresses, and you are also welcome to pop into the school office to see what is available at any time during the year. If you have any uniforms or sports day tops that no longer fit your children and you would like to donate them, please feel free to drop these into the office anytime.

Just a reminder, if you would like to be part of the school directory, the cut off is Monday 22nd February. You can follow this link to provide your details.

Your friendly P & F team

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